Preparing a Full Accelerated Depreciation Report

When preparing a full accelerated depreciation report, please be sure you have the following information:

  1. The Final Mitchell Repair Supplement (Sample Below)
  2. To set up the vehicle inspection, the claimants contact information is required.
  3. Has the vehicle been in any previous accidents that cumulatively exceed $2000?
  4. Has the vehicle ever been registered outside of British Columbia?
  5. The mileage on the vehicle today (if more than 3 months from date of loss)
  6. Law Firm file numberĀ 

The documents listed below are bonus items and not 100% necessary to complete the report. They help us better understand the vehicle:

  1. Any documents related to maintenance/upgrades to your vehicle
  2. A bill of sale from when the vehicle was purchased
  3. Any images of the damages

To get started:

Email the above information to

Questions? Call us at 778-908-2804